Your Potential can’t be established by others.

Discovering your potential is a lifelong journey. You get to decide where your greatest potential can be found. Do not surrender that judgement to others because they are experts. The only true expert on your potential is you and your creator.

My mind was blown away after reading Todd Rose’s “The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness,”. Despite the common use of average comparisons, there is no one that is average. Yet, we determine our grades in school, our job rankings, salaries, and our abilities in comparison to the average. Comparisons to the average is a modern creation. It has grown to the point that many people will measure their life in comparison to the average. The use of averages is so ubiquitous that we do not think twice when we look at numbers like personality scores, average IQ Score, average credit scores, etc… 

We no longer look at the individual as a complete subject. The individual is only understood in comparison to others. However, once I read Todd Rose’s book, I understood that you are being compared to a phantom that does not exist. There is no one that is average.  

To reach your full potential you know what you are good at. You know areas you are skilled at. You know what you like to do. You cannot judge your own potential by comparison to others. Discovering your potential is a lifelong journey. You get to decide where your greatest potential is found. Do not surrender that judgement to others because they are experts. The only true expert on your potential is you and your creator.